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Archive for the category "Revamp"

12 Jun '24

2024 Revamp Roadmap

A second update... and it's another revamp! This layout in particular was something I've been wanting to change for the longest time, 4 years in fact. When I got approved for the Inuyasha fanlisting, I was never contented with the first layout. I've been kicking myself to change the design, time and time again, but I couldn't find the right images until now. The second skin is a big change to the old one. I pretty much worked myself to death in order to finish this project. I'm happy with the way it turned out, even! I've also given it a new title for this layout. You can still view the older design by simply switching the skins at the footer of the fanlisting itself.

Speaking of revamps, I decided to set myself a goal in completing revamps before the year ends. I will be making another revamp list next year. For now, these will be my priority and wil be done around these months, so stay tuned!

  1. BSSM: Sailor Moon/Sailor Chibi Moon (July-August)
  2. Final Fantasy X-2 (September - October)
  3. Paradise Kiss (November - December)

category: Revamp

03 Dec '23

Contact Form

After several months of trying to keep a minimalistic look, I got tired of the plain design and pulled off a simple, yet elegant layout for my contact form! I swear the blue theme color wasn't intentional, but I still found myself yet again covered in blue, just like my main collective domain and update log. I somehow turned this design with only pure DIV and no tables. Perhaps I should create more table-less designs in the future because the coding is so clean-looking.

category: Revamp

25 Nov '23

FL Revamp

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. A new and improved layout for the Elfen Lied fanlisting is now up! The old theme's been up for years which slowly overtime became outdated in terms of design — it was too red and the pre-blended textures are now my kind of a thing in the past. Now I try to keep the blends to a minimum so that I can freely use less-destructed scanned or photographed textures. You can select the older skin by navigating to the bottom of the fanlisting to view a better comparison by what I meant. On that note, I later decided to do another onMouseOver event with the image coordinates just like the other design I just did.

category: Revamp

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